Police FAQ

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What is the curfew?

Sunday-Thursday 12yrs and less 9pm-5am
13-15 yrs 10pm-5am
16-17 yrs 11pm-5am

What is the law on car seats?

Age 0-4 and 40 pounds must be in a car seat.
Age 4 and up to 8 or 4’9” tall must be in a booster.
Under ORC 4511.51 no child under 16 allowed in a pickup cargo area
Unless equipped with factory installed seat belts.

If I don’t go to court for a citation, do I pay court cost?

Answer: Yes, this is an established fee set by state legislation that is distributed into separate State funds as required by law.

How do I pass along criminal information?

The Newcomerstown of Police Department accepts crime tips via e-mail. These accounts ARE NOT monitored 24 hours a day. Please do not report crimes in progress or request emergency assistance using this system. All crimes in progress or crimes needing response from an officer please call 740-498-6161. Tips may also be taken by phone.

How do I get my fingerprints taken?

If the prints are needed for a CCW permit the Tuscarawas County Sheriff will print these individuals. You may contact 330-339-2000. For schools and most pre-employment checks the ECOESC located at 834 E. High Ave. New Philadelphia, Ohio. You may contact 330-308-9939. You will need to provide a photo I.D. and payment for the required checks.

How can I pay a ticket?

You can pay a Newcomerstown Citation any time in person at the dispatch widow. Online payments can be made anytime by going to www.newcomerstownoh.com and selecting mayors court and follow the links. Any question on cost of tickets or court appearances should be directed to the clerk Monday through Friday 7am – 3pm at 740-498-6161.

How do I obtain a police report?

Police reports are available Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM -3:00Pm in the main lobby of the Newcomerstown Police Department or you may request a report in writing to have the report sent to you by U.S. mail. This request must be accompanied by a self-address stamped envelope and payment. You will need to call 740-498-6161 to determine the cost of the report.

Will the police department check my property while on vacation?

Yes, police will make checks of your residence. You will need to call 740-498-6161 or come to the lobby between 7:00 AM -3:00 PM with all the pertinent information

General Information
Phone Numbers
(740) 498-6161 EMERGENCY 911
Emergencies: Dial 911
124 W Church St

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm