Homeowners responsibility for Water Line is from curb box (outside shut off) to house. Village responsibility for water is from water main to curb box.
Homeowners responsibility for sewer is from the house to the sewer main. Village responsibility for sewer is maintaining the sewer main.
Payment of water/sewer bill can be done by mail, in person at the Water Office Monday-Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm at 777 East State Street and there are two drop boxes one in the parking lot and one at the front door or though InvoiceCloud online at newcomerstownoh.com or by phone at (855)925-1669.. You will need your ACCOUNT NUMBER. Payments by phone you can use check, credit/debit cards. Baker’s IGA will except water bills payments until the due date on the 17th of the month.
If you received a disconnection notice on your bill the payment must be made in the Water Office by the date indicated on your bill to avoid additional fees and disconnection. Payments made online could take 48 to 72 hours for the office to receive.
Bulk water sales is located at the Water Office at 777 East State Street 24hr day 7 days a week.
Hydrant flushing is scheduled for the spring and fall.
High water usage common causes are a toilet leak, water softeners stuck on back wash, extra house guests, and a water leaks after the meter.
Pool filling can be done with a water only fee one time a year with a water meter reading before and after fill.
Discolored water common causes are hydrant flushing and water brakes. Extremely low water usage can cause a taste change and a slight discoloring.
Draining a water meter and water line are necessary for winterizing a unheated house over the winter.